How to Be a Successful Investor Over a Lifetime

How to Be a Successful Investor Over a Lifetime

At Servant Solutions, we often receive questions about investment advice.  “Where should I invest?” and “How can I squeeze out more return?” are common questions….but are they where our main focus should be for those with a long-term investment approach needed for retirement investing?  Although these are important considerations, we believe that your Contribution Rate is more critical than your Investment Rate.  To put it simply, your “personal savings” behavior (how much, how often) is more important than “market” behavior (the ebb and flow of stock/bond prices).  The article below from Ronald Blue & Co. provides keen insight into these dynamics.  Our hope is it gives you a new and better perspective on investing for a lifetime.  Enjoy!

If you are getting close to retirement…good news!

If you are getting close to retirement…good news!

If you are over the age of 50 you begin to take inventory noting that there is less time left out the “windshield” than there now is in the “rearview mirror” of your full time work career.  It is sometimes daunting to think about what retirement might be like and to further wonder if you are prepared.  At Servant Solutions we ponder on these things continually in behalf of those we serve.

Getting Comfortable with Discomfort

Getting Comfortable with Discomfort

About two months ago, I started eating very healthy (no sugars, carbs, dairy) and about 3 weeks ago, I followed that up by doing a little cardio exercising and weight lifting.  I lost 45 pounds and feel better than ever!  However, it was not “comfortable” to do the above, and I had my struggles along the way, but I found the benefits (current and future) far outweigh the costs.