Servant Solutions

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Retirement planning through each phase of ministry

Through the arc of time in ministry, families experience different chapters.  Different periods are very unique containing times of challenge, times of waiting, and times of great fruit. These are often intertwined through the periods when ministry begins and fully through the seasoned years of ministry. 

Through all of the various chapters, Servant Solutions attempts to assist people in ministry when it relates to their financial and retirement planning.  More recently, Servant Solutions has worked hard to craft specific experiences tailored to meet the needs of those in ministry within these different chapters.  Our staff is truly excited for what these experiences are meaning for pastors, missionaries, Christian educators and ministry support staff members.

Here is some brief background.  Through Church of God Ministries securing a recent grant of $1 million, the Clergy Advocacy Resourcing Effort (CARE) was birthed.  CARE targets financial planning and assistance to young ministers to encourage them and their church to engage in best financial practices.  It is already making a big impact with packed rooms at the initial engagements and more are coming. Interactive planning is already providing positive assistance to pastors around the country.

For people in ministry at all stages, Servant Solutions has provided free services within the Servant Solutions Financial Roadmaps.  There are three levels of financial planning available depending on the needs of each participant.  Many people within the Servant Solutions Retirement Plan have taken advantage of this intentional planning and are now reaping the benefits of having a solid financial plan that is securing their financial future.

And for those persons in ministry who are over age 50, there is now a custom program entitled the Overture Experience.  Overture is a comprehensive preparation for the “stretch-run” years of ministry.  These are the years in which ministry is often most fulfilling and this program prepares and equips individuals and couples for what comes next.  Overture provides assistance with travel, an overnight stay, and some meals to make for a remarkably relaxed and productive time with some of Servant Solutions planning staff.  There is no cost, and the early feedback from those who have engaged is a strong “thumbs up.”

So, where are you in your arc of ministry and how are you feeling about your financial and retirement planning?  We are here to help!  Give us a call today to see how one of these programs can work for you. We are truly grateful for your ministry.